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U.S. Currency Reader Program

The BEP provides iBill currency readers, free of charge, to all eligible blind and visually impaired U.S. citizens and national residents.

iBill Currency Reader

The device is small, compact, and runs on a triple-A battery, which is included.  To use the currency reader, simply insert a U.S. bill into the reader and press the button.  The device will tell the note’s denomination.

Currency reader applications can be downloaded in English and Spanish here.

BEP Currency Reader Bulk Inventory Program

The Bulk Inventory Program provides currency reader inventory to those who work with the blind and visually impaired community (e.g., rehabilitation, assistive technology instructors, teachers, healthcare, government and non-profit organizations, therapists, etc.) distribute currency readers to their patrons/clients without a wait time.  For more information on how to participate in the Bulk Inventory Program, email currencyreaderpartners@bep.gov.


The BEP encourages organizations that support the blind and visually impaired community to distribute these materials, incorporate the information provided into individualized communications, or link to this website.

Note:   There are restrictions on the use of government symbols and agency names.  31 U.S.C. §333 prohibits using the name, symbol, or emblem of the Department of the Treasury or any of its bureaus as part of any advertisement, solicitation, business activity, or product in a manner that could be interpreted or construed as endorsement by the Department of the Treasury or any of its bureaus.

For Assistance with Currency Readers

The BEP partners with the Library of Congress’ National Library Service (NLS) for the Blind and Print Disabled, who distributes currency readers on behalf of the BEP.  For questions about an existing reader, please call NLS at (202) 707-0048 (local):
•    To request an iBill currency reader
•    To get a status on your currency reader application
•    For lost or possibly broken currency readers
 NLS also administers a free library program of braille and audio materials available to U.S. residents and citizens living abroad whose low vision, blindness, or physical handicap makes it difficult to read a standard printed page.  More information about NLS can be viewed at https://www.loc.gov/nls/.

For additional questions about the U.S. Currency Reader Program or meaningful access initiative general, please call, toll free, (844) 815-9388 or email meaningful.access@bep.gov.