BEP Directors
Edward O. Graves
Edward Graves was born in Gravesville, New York. After graduating from Hobart College (now the Hobart and William Smith Colleges) in Geneva, New York, in 1863, he received an appointment as a clerk in the Treasury Department. He was made Chief Clerk in the Treasurer’s office in 1868. Graves also served as Chief Examiner of the U.S. Civil Service Commission during which time he instituted new procedures for the examination and appointment of candidates across the country for government positions. He was appointed Superintendent of the National Bank Redemption Bureau of the Treasury Department in 1874 and was selected by the Treasury Secretary to investigate the efficiency, organization, and management of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing as part of a special committee in 1877. Graves later served as Assistant Treasurer for two years before his appointment as Chief of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in 1885. Upon his resignation from the BEP, Graves became president of a bank in Seattle, Washington, where he lived until his death at age 65.